Why Adding Retargeting To Your Center's Marketing Mix is More Critical Than Ever

The Problem

Okay, well, problem may not be the best way to phrase it. More like catastrophic marketing failure. Although that may sound a bit dramatic, it is true. As an agency that has been in this business for 7 years, we have seen it all. Most of us also have experience in other industries that put A TON of focus on their retargeting programs. However, addiction has not. Why?

Before we dive in, let’s clear the air here. Retargeting does NOT violate HIPAA. Period. HIPAA focuses on protecting personal identifying information. Your name, phone number, address, social security, etc. None of which are ever collected in the act of retargeting. All the platform knows is that someone (anonymous) came to your website, while there they looked at select pages and then left the site.

We have heard, from a lot of our most successful clients, that they didn’t think they could retarget. Well, that is half true. None of the large retargeting vendors, Google, Adroll, and Criteo will allow addiction related sites. That is why we built our partnerships and platform to enable our clients to use the highest driving ROI service in online marketing.

The largest issue we see in the marketing of addiction centers is the lack of understanding of just how important a single visitor is. Think about it. Unless you are legit script certified, you can’t run Adwords or Facebook. If you are, it is expensive to do. Also, people don’t land on a recovery website by accident. They are there for a reason. These two points make each visitor extremely important. So, if your website converts at 5% (which is generous in this space) you are still missing 95% of those people. That is where site retargeting can fix your problem.

How Do Our Client Use Retargeting?

Our clients are seeing some serious ROI. 200% plus for many of them with a good website and intake staff. The key here is that we segment visitors based on the data we have over the last 12 months.

Visitor Segmentation

Not all website visitors are the same. We divide them out into 3 categories based on what they did on the client website.

  1. Low value - 40+ days until calling

  2. Medium value - 20+ days until calling

  3. High Value - 7 days until calling

Low Value Site Visitors - These site visitors spent a short period of time on the website and didn’t visit multiple pages. They will remain in your retargeting pool, but we won’t put a large budget toward them.

Medium Value Site Visitors - These site visitors spend more time on the website, but only look a a few pages, they are getting ready to make a choice, but are not there yet. We increase the daily spend to keep ads in front of them as they move around online.

High Value Site Visitors - They are ready. They have come to the website multiple times, looked at the admissions page, spent over 5 minutes on the site (and may have visited a larger review site that we have partnered with). We will spend as much as possible for the next 10 days on this person to ensure our client is top of mind the entire time. We even change creative at this point to focus on reviews and success rates.

The Results

What people what to know, what are the results? The results for centers with a quality website and admissions team is stellar. One client in Florida saw a 233.5% ROI over 3 months. Click here to see the email they sent us.

Another client on our retargeting platform went from 126 calls a month in March when we started to 426 the following month.

Finally, below is the call volume graph for yet another client who was using JUST our retargeting platform to focus on their organic traffic.

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Promotional 3 Month Trial Pricing

Although site retargeting has been done in every online market that there is, it is still very fresh in the recovery world. As we are the only agency offering site retargeting that can capture multiple actions, we understand any hesitation. This is why we are offering a discounted introductory rate for 3 months.

Our standard minimum for site retargeting is $6,000/month. Right we will be offering our site retargeting at $5,000/month. After 3 months, you can choose to increase the spend to our minimum, or simply walk away.

We are offering this as a way to get new clients onboard with a new way of looking at marketing their center. As we all know, Q1 is a great quarter for our industry. As more and more people get their Legit Script Certification and once again are spending in Adwords, now is the time to take your marketing to the next level.

What To Chat?

Ready to have a conversation? Have some questions? No problem. We are here to answer any questions you have. Simply give us a call at 866-726-1966 or fill out the form below and we will reach out to you.